Sunday, December 11, 2005


It is not often that I feel this way after worship. But lately I've noticed a trend - it is happening quite often.
I am squeezing myself wondering if it is really true. Yes, it is! I think we have one of the greatest worship ministers ever. He gets it. He really does. He has not been here long, just 3 months and they have not been easy. In fact I thought he was going to pack up and leave not long after arriving. But, something made him stay. Phew. I believe that God brought him here and God has plans for his stay with us.
Every week I leave thinking of the depth and insight that has been in the planning of the services. They are not filled with "horse and pony shows" each week, but each scripture, encouragement and prayer is said with the big picture in mind. He moves my spirit each week and I find myself before the throne in worship.
I feel blessed to be here for such a time as this!


Amy S. Grant said...

I am thrilled for you if not a tad bit jealous. My soul yearns for the awesome worship you describe, but I'm learning patience. :)

And after reading your last post and knowing two of you "Afters" I say "Watch out Amarillo - here they come!" Wish I could join ya!

Steven J Bruce said...


I am so glad that you have lifted your heart in worship! You have no idea how encouraging it is to see you lifting your hands (and your heart) should sit in the front row more often :-)

I do believe God has brought us here. Yes, I did think about high-tailing it back up north a few times. But I realized you would have caught up with me before I even got to OK and brought me back. Plus, who else is gonna give me cereal, soup, and wash my underwear :-) LOL (ohh, that'll get the rumor-mill started.) Seriously, I am grateful to play some role in His plans for Central.

I'll end with the opening line from one of my favorite songs (which, by the way, Central needs to learn...along with a gazillion other worship tunes :-)

"It's all about You, Jesus
and all this is for You,
for Your glory and Your fame.
It's not about me,
as if You should do things my way.
For You alone are God,
and I surrender, to Your ways!"

Arlene Kasselman said...

Steven, did not know that you read my blog now that you live here in Amarillo. Thanks - you bring a lot to the table.
Just following scripture man - "if someone asks you to wash their clothes, fold them too." It's in Peterson's translation....

Amy S. Grant said...

Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!