Thursday, May 10, 2007

Mothers Day

My Mom died just over 4 years ago - Mother's Day is hard. For some reason, I see it more as a day about my Mom than about being a Mom...
Today I videotaped a short little blurb to be added to a montage about Mothers for worship on Sunday. It was so hard for me to do it. I wanted to and then I backed out, then I asked to do it again...thanks for your patience Steven.

When I think about my Mom, so many memories flood my mind. We were so very close. Having my Dad die when I was 11 really impacted the dynamic of the Mother-Daughter relationship. We just had to suck it up and work together through grief, financial issues, moving, turmoil, rebuilding etc. I gained a tremendous amount of respect for my Mom seeing her reinvent her life.

Taking care of her as she struggled with breast cancer and literally hearing her take her last breath has changed me forever. God equipped David and I for that three year task and He used it to form and shape us in ways that we can not really describe.

But the two characteristics about her that I chose to share on camera today were these:
Her extravagant generosity and her hospitality. She gave above and beyond and sought out people who were in need. Our house was the church event place. We always had something going on or someone over to eat, or spend the night etc etc. Great memories.

What is more amazing is that here at Central, God provided me with a friend, Becky who is old enough to be a Grandmother but not old enough to be my Mother. Yet, she has loved my kids like a surrogate grandparent would. What a huge blessing for us all. And the incredible thing is that when I look at Bek, I see someone who is generous and hospitable. Just an extra little gift from God, I guess.

So, as this weekend approaches and I continue to wipe away spontaneous tears as they erupt. My heart shouts, "this one is for you Mom."


Jennifer KB said...

Your mom was awesome...even one of our adopted grandma's! She was the best!

Amy S. Grant said...

I wish I could have known your mom, she must have been a very special (and strong) woman.

Anonymous said...

Your mom was amazing - but so are you sweet friend! Her strength, hospitality, generosity, and character live on today in you. So YOU have a Happy Mother's Day! Love you!

Unknown said...

Arlene - Take one knife, one intruder and Shirley - I'm afraid my portrait of Shirley was forever changed!!! What a grand and gracious lady - and we have all been made better people because of her.....Happy Mother's Day!

Scott said...

We remember her generosity to Alex. What a great "grandmother" she was to him.

Scott said...

Remember "Queen for a Day?" What great letters she got.

Arlene Kasselman said...

Thanks everyone, your words are so special to me.

Scott, I remember Queen for a Day so clearly. That book of blessings is one of my favorite things in the whole world.

Amy S. Grant said...

What was Queen for a Day?

Arlene Kasselman said...

Amy, I am heading out the door for the Women in Ministry conference, so I will answer when I get back.
Talk to you soon

Amy S. Grant said...

Now you know you're gonna have to tell me about the conference too. :)

amy/southkona said...

I want to agree with Lisa; I have seen your own hospitality and generosity. I remember the way you and David opened up your home to my Dave when he visited me at ACU; I remember all the way the Bible major boys flocked around you for advice and you would give them cookies! My mom is alive still but I am so far away from her that holidays can be hard. I remember that I am making my children's memories of *their* mother and I want to focus on that and make theirs as good as mine are.