Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Happy Faces

Love this picture and wanted to share it with the world!


I love it when we are all cracking up about something. I love it when we eat dinner together with the table decorated by the kids. I love it when we have a French Picnic indoors for dinner. I love family game night. I love holiday traditions. I love it when Michaela and Spencer play together despite their age difference. Today I am thankful for family and pray that God equips me each day with what I need for that days ministry to my family.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Daily Communion

Last night after our small group had finished, the telephone rang and a couple from church asked if they could come over because they had a word from the Lord for me. Of course I said yes to come on over. They arrived and the last 2 families from small group left. They sat down and started telling me that their group was studying the idea of daily communion as something to be used in healing. I have been struggling with some health issues and am facing possible surgery. They had lifted my name up in prayer during their small group and felt led by God to bring over a baggie of pieces of bread and some wine for me to use to partake of daily communion as a way of bringing healing to my physical body. Wow - never quite thought of that before. Still thinking. But it was so impactful. They laid hands on me and prayed over me and then I took the bread and dipped it in the wine. They talked more about the very act being a sign to the demons that I was standing on holy ground and they were to flee. Wow again - more impactful.
Think what you may - it is a such a blessing to have people who act on the promptings from the Lord and witness boldly. Thank you Alan and Cindy Nickson.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


David and I will have been married 20 years in about a month. I can hardly believe that! I know we got married when we were 10.....
Relationships are a funny thing. Ours has certainly grown and changed and changed and grown. Life has a way of changing people - good thing. God has a way of changing people - great thing!
I am thinking about this today because David has been gone for a few days and I miss him so much when we are apart. Why wouldn't I seeing as though I have spent little more than half my life married to him.
Husband, lover, friend, advisor, guide, leader, Dad, Son, Brother, Minister - he is all that!

Christmas, Crankiness and Colons

There are so many reasons I could give for not blogging, but they all seem pretty lame actually. I just haven't done it. Once you let it go it is so hard to start up again.
Christmas was awesome as usual - I love the whole "embrace everyone" atmosphere of the holidays. Just love it!
But, this year it was followed by me becoming rather Cranky. I just don't know what hit, but I felt myself spiral into the grumps. I've been cranky with the kids, a little distant with everyone else and quite withdrawn for me. Interesting.
Well closely followed by Christmas & Crankiness is the Colon. I started having severe Diverticulitus pain which resulted in an absess on my colon and a brief hospital stay. Not quite what I had planned for the start of 2006. But, I think I am on the mend and tomorrow's CT scan will determine that.