Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Holy Ground

In churches of Christ over the last 20 years or so, we have sung #100 & #101 from the blue book in a woven medley style. Given that I haven't used a song book in years, it is also shown in a media form in a woven medley style. Even though this is an older set of songs, there is something very moving to me in the words. Something holy, rich, awe inducing.

Today those words are rushing over my spirit in regards to relationship. Our relationships are holy ground. We risk, we seek approval, we hear pain, we gain affirmation, we struggle together, we see ourselves most clearly in relationship to others, we confess, we forgive and we love. Just doesn't get much better than that.

And so God is calling me, yelling at me actually to say thanks for the Holy Ground of relationship. I believe through God I can live out his covenantal character with every person I meet. In my marriage I can seek to be conformed more fully into the image of Christ so that I can be a wife that empowers David to be the best he can be. In my friendships I seek to love more fully and unconditionally. In relationships that I am just starting I seek to be open and safe.

But rarely are these things so easy to order. Issues arise, pain intrudes, woundedness and brokenness sometimes hijack our best attempts at holy relationships. Sometimes we over function, other times we under function. Boundaries are crossed and then realigned. It gets messy. Our hearts are pulled in directions that surprise us and we have to step back. Did I mention it was messy? And so in each of these moments of less than stellar relational behaviour, I ask the Lord to cover me and make me new. And to be an agent of forgiveness, grace and strength to those who are struggling.
You redeem my life from the pit, and crown me with love and mercy. (Psalm 103)


Dana said...

Hi Arlene! This is an excellent thought on relationship. I am working through Eugene Peterson's book Christ Plays in 10,000 Places and we are now in Christ Plays in Community. Tough chapter to work through because it's showing me how lax I've been in holding onto the "holy ground" of my community. Too much anger, hurt, disappointment, disallusionment, etc. I really needed to read this post today. It underscores what I am reading and hearing. Bless you! I miss seeing you all.

Arlene Kasselman said...

You too sweet friend! So glad you have family close now though.

Jim Martin said...


This is a wonderful post which describes so well, life in all its messiness. In particular, you describe well the messiness of relationship.

Always enjoy reading your words.