Wednesday, August 13, 2008

When the well is dry

After being a part of a group that spent some sacred time discerning together this week, I have been struck by several thoughts. One of which I need to explore some more.

When you are spiritually tired, exhausted, done - what betrays that?

Is your rhythm of spiritual practices off kilter?
Or, out of habit do you continue in the practices of spirituality regardless?
Are your attitudes ambivalent maybe even cynical?
Do you get aggressive? Passive?
Is your time spent with the busyness of doing God-work so you don't have to just be with him?
What about family, does that change?
Do you embrace silence in order to self reflect?
Do you crank up the noise of life in order to avoid reflection?

What do you think?


jeleasure said...

My time with God exist on a whole in this blogging business.
It is great to be able to research and report the results of my research to whomever may want it. It is on the internet. And, I have noticed from my stat counter and sitemeter that I have readers all over the world.
The sad part is, as Paul lamented when he said he would rather that we not be married, I have the destraction of family. That sounds terrible. However, it is by my necessity to be with my family that I often can not study.
No regrets, really. I just need to find ways to have time. And I pray that The Lord would make that time beneficial.

jeleasure said...

Hi Arlene, (Boy I write too much. Apologies. I want to keep our friendship. So, I will definately attempt to keep future comments and reply's short)

I completely see where you are coming from with those particular verses in Philippians.
Just yesterday, the Sunday School class I am involved with, was continuing discussion on Titus. In the first verses of chapter two, Paul begins to address the 'older' or more elderly Christians first. And we see why when he addresses the elderly woman. Or, in why he does not address children.
To be an example. More maturity or even those who have lived a lot of life's experiences, ought to have fortitude. They ought to be able to lead by example. Because, when a person is young, what they learn from the older, more mentally equipped, or mentally "mature" persons is impressed on them.
Successful leadership by example developes and grows character. If Titus is successful at convincing the elderly in the Christian community, his work will eventually take on a life of its own. The elders will teach the young adults and the young adults will teach the children. And in the end, the scripture says, "when we see Him, we will be like him. For we shall see Him as he truly is".
If we will be like Him, seeing Him as He truly is, we will also be seen as we truly are.
This is something I need to edit into my blog article on character.
Generally, because blog articles can be so large at times, I break them down into smaller, easier to digest articles.
What I had been writing on previously, how translation can slightly fog the beauty of the origional text. I developed this discussion using Isaiah 35. Using the first verse, I did a word study as an illustration, and wanted to continue on with the idea of happiness in the Old Testament vs. happiness in the New Testament. "Happiness" directly related to the spirit before the coming, death and ressurection of Christ. So, that is what I stayed with on this past article.

And, if you read the article before I inserted deliberately, previously omitted text, here the text I left out:
" In Isaia 35:1, we see that the people live in fear from day - to - day, hoping on the promise of "something" that will give reason for happiness, and fear of dying eternally in the grave having passed".

preacherman said...

I think when the well is dry is when we need God and to take hold of encouraging words from Him. I know that when my well goes dry, I have been working to much, need rest, and to fill up on the goodness of His word. I usually read and spend time in the Psalms because if there was one person who was dry many times, yet had that desire it was King David. I hope this helps sis.
May God fill you up and have a blessed week!

jeleasure said...

Just thought you may want a new friend to blog with.
Her name is Amanda. Do You Really Have to Kiss Frogs? She said she will add you to her blog links list if you would like. Visit her and tell her I sent you and you would like to exchange links.