Sunday, April 06, 2008

King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Someone is always telling you to go and listen to a sermon online and you may think about it and never do it, or you may think the suggestion is ludicrous to begin with.

However, indulge me. If you have 25 minutes or so go to and listen to Dan Bouchelle's sermon from today, April 6th. I think the title is "Take me to your leader." It may only be up there tomorrow, I am not sure. Either way do it.

During times like these when politics feels like it is going to choke the life out of us, Dan brings a word from God that is convicting, uplifting, prophetic and hard.


susan said...

Arlene, I soooo totally agree. After yesterdays sermon, I just had to sit there for a second and take it in.

preacherman said...

I want to thank you so much sister. I am going to check out the link and listen to two sermons this morning. You made me think what is 25 minutes in our day or an hour in our day. Are we too busy to listen to God daily. Thank you so much for the blessing that you have been in my life.
I thank you from my heart.
In Him,
Kinney Mabry