Sunday, February 03, 2008


Today in worship our Worship Minister Steven, shared a little about how easily we get distracted. He chose to do this based on a situation that had happened just a few minutes earlier and was not part of his plan for the day. However, it tied in so well to the sermon that came later about hearing the small, still voice of God and choosing to obey and not be distracted, that I keep mulling it over.

I have always thought the real issue at play with Mary and Martha, was not the active versus contemplative personalities, but rather Martha's inability to focus on Jesus without the distraction of the preparations.

Distractions I believe, are perhaps the greatest hurdle to me spending quality time with God as regularly as He would like.

1 comment:

preacherman said...

You never know when those distractions in not just worship and yes as a minister I understand that we should worship God all the time; but when those unexpected distraction pop up in life. You know the kind when hits you when you least expect it. We had one of those yesterday. I posted information on my blog about if you would like to read more. My wife and I could really use prayers today. It has one of those distractions weeks.
In Him,
Kinney Mabry