Thursday, December 11, 2008


...A cruel dictator...
...No democracy...
...Human rights abuses...
...No food for the people...
...Death due to no available medical supplies...
...Government corruption unlike anything we have seen in decades...
...Aid being diverted to prop up the politicians...
...Disgustingly lavish lives led by the leader... oil reserves - just a little copper in what is left of the mines...
I guess their plight will be ignored.


WendyC said...

and they aren't Muslim...

Great Googly Moogly! said...

Hi Arlene,

I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted say that I was moved by your previous post (concerning the election) and this one here.

It amazes me that "Christians" in a supposedly "Christian" nation don't see the inconsistencies in the Bush administration. Why do some nations deserve our military "compassion" and other nations don't? I think you hit the nail on the head.

I also cringe at the idea of a "Christian nation". We've been shown (Constantine anyone?) that it simply can't happen until the return of Christ. It's at the consummation (when the created order shares in His redemption and shalom once again reigns on earth) that the entire creation will again be the Kingdom of God and the King will rule over all the earth.

The spiritual Kingdom of which Christians are citizens even now will one day give way to the physical fulfillment of the Kingdom of God upon the return of Christ. Until then, the Kingdom of God consists of people from every tribe, tongue and nation--this is the "Christian" nation of which we are now a part of and of which we witness to in our sharing of the Gospel of Christ.

In Christ,

GGM (Jason)

jeleasure said...

As I was saying in my email on the Darfur issue, we could have and should have been in Darfur. But,it can't happen now.
If you really want to know why I think our country is unavailable, it is because our own citizens have grown used to having more and more, striving for even more. The bottom line is that our economy would not be hurting so much if we did not have so many people consuming the wealth. That money is falsely suggesting to our Gross National Product that Government can tax all of us more, when in fact, there is nothing among most of us to be gained.
I don't understand economics very well. But, what I do know is that our countries desire for gain has weakened our infrastructure.
I said all of this to tell you that we can no longer fight for the weak because we don't have the resources.

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Good points, Arlene.

Robert Mugabe and co. needs to go and you present a case well for pondering on that country. I lived in the UK for two years and listen to UK radio on-line and it is a major issue there.


I am linked with Jim and Jason/GGM


satire and theology

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Thanks, Arlene.

I replied to your comment on thekingpin68. If you are ever interested in linking, please let me know.

Russ Murray

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Thanks, Arlene.

I will link us from this end once I am back from my walk.

I am cutting blogging time as I have a PhD defence in January and then will look for full-time work.

But, God willing, I plan to run my two blogs for as long as possible.
